May 10, 2009

Chancie Pleasant

My name is…Chancie Pleasant

My school…Ross S. Sterling High

What I plan on doing after graduation…..College of course!!!

My favorite websites….. and DEFINITELY!

Something I must have for summer…. Plenty of swim suits, shorts, my fishing pole, and lots of bait. = )

My dream job is….. To be a Registered Nurse and make a difference in other peoples lives.

My biggest accomplishment so far in High School has been…. Making lots of new friends, passing every class with an 85 or above average, and most importantly…. Sticking it out till the most important day “GRADUATION.”

My current favorite band and/or song is……Its between Pat Green/Dixie Lullaby, Eli Young/When it rains, or Kevin Fowler/Butterbean.

The magazines I always have to stop & look at in the grocery store are…. Glamour Girl because they give the best tips on everything and Seventeen magazines.

If you looked in my purse, you’d be bound to find…… Cell phone, plenty of hair ties, keys, lotion & perfume, my planner, a variety of lip glosses and chap sticks, minti gum, and that’s not half of it. HAHA

Something I like….. Sunflowers, spicy foods, and big trucks ‘OH YEAH

Something I don’t like…. Angry people, getting stressed, and being broke ‘OH NO

What I do for fun is….. Go to the beach…movies…some camping…fishing….dancing

You will never find me... In jail LOL

The person I would most like to meet is…. I’d have to say……. Vin Diesel. What a CUTIE PIE

My favorite things in my closet are…. Flip-flops and my new carhartt jacket. It keeps me super warm.

Two most important things to have a great friendship are…..TRUST & ACCOUNTABILITY

In 10 years I see myself…… Working in the ER, happily married, and building up a family

If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are….A survival kit and plenty of fresh water.

I heart…. My family and friends!!!

Chancie & Mom, it was great to meet the two of you. I had a great time working with you. Congratulations on graduation and have fun in Bryan--College Station.

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