Trinity Valley Exposition Stick Horse Competition 2009
Anyone who is interested in participating in the 2009 TVE Stick Horse Competition can pick up their stick horse at the TVE fairgrounds or Adair’s & Company in the Liberty town square. Contestants must be at least three years of age and no older than six. Participation is free.
General Rules
1. All contestants must be at least 3 years old and no older than 6 years old on or before the date of the competition: Wednesday, October 14, 2009.
2. Each contestant must reside in one of the following counties: Liberty, Chambers, Jefferson, Hardin, Polk, San Jacinto, Montgomery or Harris County.
3. See below for award considerations. All scores will become property of the Trinity Valley Exposition. No scores will be made public.
4. Only one parent/guardian may accompany child in the arena should they require assistance.
5. Each contestant who participates will receive a participation award.
The winner of each category will receive an overall award.
6. Entries will be accepted up to and no later than 6:00 pm (no entries accepted after 6:00 pm).
7. All decisions by Judges and Stick Horse Chairmen are firm and final.
8. Please check in on time at the designated location the day of competition. Late contestants will not be accepted.
Day of Competition
1. Participants will begin signing up for the competition at 5:00pm on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 in the livestock barn by the rodeo arena.
2. Participants will begin lining up at 6:00 pm in pig barn arena (late contestants will not be accepted).
3. Participants will begin competition with introductions and judging in the pig barn arena. Final awards will be given in the rodeo arena.
Award Categories
1. Best Cowboy (overall authentic cowboy clothing design and accessories).
2. Best Cowgirl (overall authentic cowgirl clothing design and accessories).
3. Best Overall Costume Design (the best overall costume design with the most general overall appeal ~ cowboy/cowgirl attire not required for this category).
4. Most Unique (costume design most unique to the competition considering the costume and horse with the most unique and creative design ~ cowboy/cowgirl attire not required for this category).
***Stick horse decorations will be considered for all competitions.
Please direct any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints to Stick Horse Chairman at the following: Amanda Key 936.334.4403 Email: